University of Wisconsin, River FallsUniversity

United States

SCImago Media LogoUnited States in SCImago Media Rankings

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Foundation: 1874

Mission: Our mission is to help prepare students to be productive, creative, ethical, engaged citizens and leaders with an informed global perspective. The University of Wisconsin-River Falls serves students who are full-time and part-time, undergraduate, graduate, non-traditional, distance-education and non-degree-seeking. The university offers programs in agriculture, food and the environment; arts and humanities; social and natural sciences; engineering and technology; business administration, marketing and economics; and education and professional studies; offering degrees at the associate, bachelors, masters, doctoral and education specialist levels.

Vision: UW-River Falls is a student-centered institution that provides excellent, accessible academic programs serving the needs of our region, the state and beyond. UWRF is known for being exceptional in fields such as STEM, agricultural sciences, teacher education, business and liberal arts, as well as in innovative multidisciplinary programs and new programs added in response to student interest and employer need. UWRF ensures academic excellence in all modes and methods of instruction and is committed to expanding access to opportunity for traditional and non-traditional learners alike.


Overall percentile
Research percentile
Innovation percentile
Societal percentile

Evolution of the institution

The following data gives a quick reading on the scientific performance in the last years. The research ranking refers to the volume, impact and quality of the institution's research output. The innovation ranking is calculated on the number of patent applications of the institution and the citations that its research output receives from patents. Finally, the societal ranking is based on the number of pages of the institution's website and the number of backlinks and mentions from social networks.

Compared to its context

The result of the evaluation of the institution can be compared to obtain a view of the country, the region to which it belongs and the institutions of the world, placing it in their respective positions.

Compared to All sectors (percentiles)
Compared to Universities sector (percentiles)

Publishing profile

These are the journals used by the institution's researchers to publish their work in the last year. The size of each circle represents the value of the SJR of the publication, and its spatial position represents its subject matter.

This visualizatión allows you to identify the knowledge areas where the institution has published, recognize the prestige of the scientific journals in which the institution knowledge has been published, and identify predominant scientific communities.

Where is the institution located?

  • Government
  • Health
  • Universities
  • Companies
  • Non-Profit
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