| 1 (84) | Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH | DEU | |
| 2 (92) | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics | CHE | |
| 3 (129) | Centres de Recerca de Catalunya * | ESP | |
| 4 (185) | Donald Danforth Plant Science Center | USA | |
| 5 (475) | Carnegie Institution for Science * | USA | |
| 6 (525) | Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian * | PRT | |
| 7 (556) | Wildlife Conservation Society USA | USA | |
| 8 (595) | Zoological Society of London | GBR | |
| 9 (636) | Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research | USA | |
| 10 (638) | Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia | PRT | |
| 11 (668) | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | USA | |
| 12 (672) | Dutch Scientific Research Institutes * | NLD | |
| 13 (690) | Marine Biological Laboratory | USA | |
| 14 (769) | Canadian Institute for Advanced Research | CAN | |
| 15 (907) | Australian Museum | AUS | |
| 16 (926) | Louisiana State University Agricultural Center | USA | |
| 17 (968) | The Nature Conservancy, USA | USA | |
| 18 (973) | Scottish Association for Marine Science | GBR | |
| 19 (983) | Museum fur Naturkunde Berlin | DEU | |
| 20 (1021) | International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center Mexico | MEX | |
| 21 (1029) | Norwegian Research Centre | NOR | |
| 22 (1050) | Santa Fe Institute | USA | |
| 23 (1113) | Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Italy | ITA | |
| 24 (1211) | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | USA | |
| 25 (1217) | Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, Colombia | COL | |
| 26 (1342) | James Hutton Institute | GBR | |
| 27 (1378) | California Academy of Sciences | USA | |
| 28 (1456) | Woodwell Climate Research Center | USA | |
| 29 (1476) | Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology * | KOR | |
| 30 (1680) | Battelle Memorial Institute * | USA | |
| 31 (1841) | National Institute for Basic Biology | JPN | |
| 32 (1896) | Institut Catala de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont | ESP | |
| 33 (1905) | AGROSAVIA - Corporacion Colombiana de Investigacion Agropecuaria | COL | |
| 34 (2030) | South Australian Museum | AUS | |
| 35 (2085) | Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde Stuttgart | DEU | |
| 36 (2207) | Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Aridas | CHL | |