Rank;Global Rank;Institution;Country;Sector 1;362;CIC energiGUNE;ESP;Non-Profit 2;493;Instituto de Telecomunicacoes;PRT;Non-Profit 3;1091;Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science;PRT;Non-Profit 4;1130;Rede de Quimica e Tecnologia;PRT;Non-Profit 5;1379;Tecnalia Research & Innovation;ESP;Non-Profit 6;1700;Associate Laboratory of Robotics and Engineering Systems *;PRT;Non-Profit 7;2076;Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais *;BRA;Non-Profit 8;2251;Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering;PRT;Non-Profit 9;3672;Centro de Pesquisas Leopoldo Americo Miguez de Mello;BRA;Non-Profit