Rank;Global Rank;Institution;Country;Sector 1;770;Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;RUS;Health; 2;1521;Russian Academy of Medical Sciences;RUS;Health; 3;1818;National Institute of Mental Health;CZE;Health; 4;1911;Research Center of Neurology;RUS;Health; 5;1976;Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology;POL;Health; 6;2025;Ljubljana University Medical Centre;SVN;Health; 7;2206;Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education;RUS;Health; 8;2295;Mental Health Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences;RUS;Health; 9;2316;Tomsk National Research Medical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences;RUS;Health; 10;2376;University General Hospital;CZE;Health; 11;2531;St. Anne's University Hospital Brno *;CZE;Health;