Research Institute for Technical Physics and Materials ScienceGovernment


SCImago Media LogoHungary in SCImago Media Rankings

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Foundation: Information not localized

Mission: Interdisciplinary research on complex functional materials and nanometer-scale structures, exploration of physical, chemical, and biological principles, their exploitation in integrated micro- and nanosystems, and in the development of characterization techniques. Dissemination of the results in international programs, education and industrial R&D, with special attention to the needs of SMEs.

Vision: Information not localized

NOTE: This institution is no longer available in Scimago Institutions Rankings

Evolution of the institution

The following data gives a quick reading on the scientific performance in the last years. The research ranking refers to the volume, impact and quality of the institution's research output. The innovation ranking is calculated on the number of patent applications of the institution and the citations that its research output receives from patents. Finally, the societal ranking is based on the number of pages of the institution's website and the number of backlinks and mentions from social networks.

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