| 1 (81) | United States Department of Agriculture | USA | |
| 2 (103) | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | USA | |
| 3 (107) | National Aeronautics and Space Administration * | USA | |
| 4 (184) | Doe Joint Genome Institute | USA | |
| 5 (240) | National Center for Biotechnology Information | USA | |
| 6 (286) | Los Alamos National Laboratory | USA | |
| 7 (323) | National Institute of Standards and Technology * | USA | |
| 8 (353) | Argonne National Laboratory | USA | |
| 9 (370) | U.S. Army | USA | |
| 10 (371) | National Renewable Energy Laboratory | USA | |
| 11 (375) | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | USA | |
| 12 (402) | National Center for Atmospheric Research | USA | |
| 13 (421) | United States Geological Survey | USA | |
| 14 (424) | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | USA | |
| 15 (440) | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | USA | |
| 16 (486) | Smithsonian Institution | USA | |
| 17 (497) | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | USA | |
| 18 (514) | Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation | USA | |
| 19 (517) | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | USA | |
| 20 (529) | Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico | USA | |
| 21 (582) | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | USA | |
| 22 (613) | US Naval Research Laboratory | USA | |
| 23 (648) | Brookhaven National Laboratory | USA | |
| 24 (681) | U.S. Food and Drug Administration | USA | |
| 25 (723) | Ames Laboratory | USA | |
| 26 (724) | U.S. Air Force | USA | |
| 27 (730) | Armed Forces Institute of Pathology | USA | |
| 28 (779) | Joint Quantum Institute | USA | |
| 29 (784) | US Environmental Protection Agency | USA | |
| 30 (809) | World Bank United States | USA | |
| 31 (867) | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | USA | |
| 32 (938) | University of Maryland, Center for Environmental Science | USA | |
| 33 (954) | American Museum of Natural History | USA | |
| 34 (1034) | Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory | USA | |
| 35 (1037) | NASA Ames Research Center | USA | |
| 36 (1049) | NASA Langley Research Center | USA | |
| 37 (1113) | National High Magnetic Field Laboratory | USA | |
| 38 (1199) | Spitzer Science Center | USA | |
| 39 (1240) | Space Telescope Science Institute | USA | |
| 40 (1250) | National Energy Technology Laboratory | USA | |
| 41 (1264) | National Optical Astronomy Observatory | USA | |
| 42 (1323) | University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute | USA | |
| 43 (1427) | U.S. Department of Energy | USA | |
| 44 (1584) | Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory | USA | |
| 45 (1769) | Field Museum Natural History | USA | |
| 46 (1852) | Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics | USA | |
| 47 (1918) | National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville | USA | |
| 48 (2048) | Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility | USA | |
| 49 (2223) | US National Science Foundation | USA | |
| 50 (2618) | Nemours A Children's Health System | USA | |
| 51 (2678) | Infrared Processing and Analysis Center | USA | |
| 52 (2706) | NASA Stennis Space Center | USA | |
| 53 (2768) | Idaho National Laboratory | USA | |
| 54 (2939) | National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro | USA | |
| 55 (2971) | NASA Johnson Space Center | USA | |
| 56 (3072) | Glenn Research Center | USA | |
| 57 (3135) | Naval Air Systems Command | USA | |
| 58 (3596) | NASA Marshall Space Flight Center | USA | |
| 59 (3737) | United States Fish and Wildlife Service | USA | |
| 60 (3796) | NASA Kennedy Space Center | USA | |
| 61 (3983) | Missouri Botanical Garden | USA | |
| 62 (4263) | Savannah River National Laboratory | USA | |
| 63 (4662) | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | USA | |