| 1 (37) | European Bioinformatics Institute EMBL | GBR |  |  |
| 2 (513) | Babraham Institute | GBR |  |  |
| 3 (553) | John Innes Center | GBR |  |  |
| 4 (688) | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council * | GBR |  |  |
| 5 (797) | Alan Turing Institute | GBR |  |  |
| 6 (799) | European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts | GBR |  |  |
| 7 (1034) | Met Office | GBR |  |  |
| 8 (1128) | Kavli Institute for Cosmology | GBR |  |  |
| 9 (1260) | Science and Technology Facilities Council * | GBR |  |  |
| 10 (1436) | National Physical Laboratory | GBR |  |  |
| 11 (1440) | Natural Environment Research Council * | GBR |  |  |
| 12 (1686) | Diamond Light Source | GBR |  |  |
| 13 (2050) | Rutherford Appleton Laboratory | GBR |  |  |
| 14 (2197) | Rothamsted Research | GBR |  |  |
| 15 (2230) | Centre for Ecology and Hydrology | GBR |  |  |
| 16 (2375) | Bristol Robotics Laboratory | GBR |  |  |
| 17 (2434) | Natural History Museum London | GBR |  |  |
| 18 (2504) | National Oceanography Centre Southampton | GBR |  |  |
| 18 (2504) | Plymouth Marine Laboratory | GBR |  |  |
| 20 (2811) | UK Astronomy Technology Centre | GBR |  |  |
| 21 (2877) | The Pirbright Institute | GBR |  |  |
| 22 (2952) | British Geological Survey | GBR |  |  |
| 23 (3022) | British Antarctic Survey | GBR |  |  |
| 24 (3164) | Royal Botanic Gardens Kew | GBR |  |  |
| 25 (3387) | ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, RAL | GBR |  |  |
| 26 (3567) | British Library | GBR |  |  |
| 27 (4587) | Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh | GBR |  |  |
| 28 (4678) | Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre | GBR |  |  |
| 29 (5728) | Daresbury Laboratory | GBR |  |  |
| 30 (5786) | Culham Centre for Fusion Energy | GBR |  |  |