| 1 (27) | Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence | USA |  |  |
| 2 (58) | Centres de Recerca de Catalunya * | ESP |  |  |
| 3 (69) | Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence | ARE |  |  |
| 4 (305) | Heidelberger Institut fur Theoretische Studien | DEU |  |  |
| 5 (307) | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics | CHE |  |  |
| 6 (339) | Simons Foundation | USA |  |  |
| 7 (350) | Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation | USA |  |  |
| 8 (376) | CGIAR Consortium of International Agricultural Research * | MUL |  |  |
| 9 (394) | Health Data Research UK | GBR |  |  |
| 10 (395) | Vector Institute for Artificial Intelligence | CAN |  |  |
| 11 (413) | Canadian Institute for Advanced Research | CAN |  |  |
| 12 (457) | Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology | USA |  |  |
| 13 (469) | Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH | DEU |  |  |
| 14 (509) | Institute for Advanced Study | USA |  |  |
| 15 (515) | National Bureau of Economic Research | USA |  |  |
| 16 (542) | Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics | CAN |  |  |
| 17 (667) | WorldFish Center | MUL |  |  |
| 18 (687) | Dutch Scientific Research Institutes * | NLD |  |  |
| 19 (739) | WorldFish Center Malaysia | MYS |  |  |
| 20 (772) | Carnegie Institution for Science * | USA |  |  |
| 21 (779) | American Heart Association | USA |  |  |
| 22 (802) | Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia * | ITA |  |  |
| 23 (843) | Ontario Institute for Cancer Research | CAN |  |  |
| 24 (852) | Qatar Foundation * | QAT |  |  |
| 25 (864) | Center for International Forestry Research Indonesia | IDN |  |  |
| 26 (910) | Donald Danforth Plant Science Center | USA |  |  |
| 26 (910) | Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research | USA |  |  |
| 28 (916) | United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund, United States | USA |  |  |
| 29 (918) | Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine | ITA |  |  |
| 30 (929) | Centre for Economic Policy Research | GBR |  |  |
| 31 (957) | Fondazione Telethon * | ITA |  |  |
| 32 (979) | The Nature Conservancy, USA | USA |  |  |
| 33 (981) | Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, Colombia | COL |  |  |
| 34 (984) | Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya | ESP |  |  |
| 35 (1031) | Center for International Forestry Research | MUL |  |  |
| 36 (1036) | International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center Mexico | MEX |  |  |
| 37 (1045) | International Food Policy Research Institute United States | USA |  |  |
| 37 (1045) | Space Science Institute | USA |  |  |
| 39 (1065) | United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund * | MUL |  |  |
| 40 (1079) | The Nature Conservancy * | MUL |  |  |
| 41 (1103) | International Food Policy Research Institute | MUL |  |  |
| 42 (1118) | National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics | EST |  |  |
| 43 (1163) | Universities Space Research Association | USA |  |  |
| 44 (1173) | Santa Fe Institute | USA |  |  |
| 45 (1182) | Woodwell Climate Research Center | USA |  |  |
| 46 (1186) | International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center | MUL |  |  |
| 47 (1199) | Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research | NLD |  |  |
| 48 (1221) | Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT | MUL |  |  |
| 49 (1260) | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | USA |  |  |
| 50 (1279) | International Livestock Research Institute Kenya | KEN |  |  |
| 51 (1300) | Marine Biological Laboratory | USA |  |  |
| 52 (1349) | Academy of Scientific Research and Technology * | EGY |  |  |
| 53 (1365) | Cancer Council New South Wales | AUS |  |  |
| 54 (1366) | Zoological Society of London | GBR |  |  |
| 55 (1370) | International Livestock Research Institute | MUL |  |  |
| 56 (1386) | Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies | DEU |  |  |
| 57 (1426) | Scottish Association for Marine Science | GBR |  |  |
| 58 (1455) | World Agroforestry | MUL |  |  |
| 59 (1470) | Norwegian Research Centre | NOR |  |  |
| 60 (1541) | International Rice Research Institute Filipinas | PHL |  |  |
| 61 (1549) | International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics | MUL |  |  |
| 62 (1560) | Fondazione Bruno Kessler | ITA |  |  |
| 63 (1583) | United Nations * | MUL |  |  |
| 64 (1607) | International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics India | IND |  |  |
| 65 (1615) | Cancer Council * | MUL |  |  |
| 66 (1652) | Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian * | PRT |  |  |
| 67 (1708) | World Agroforestry Centre Kenya | KEN |  |  |
| 68 (1757) | Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia | PRT |  |  |
| 69 (1761) | Family Health International * | USA |  |  |
| 70 (1776) | Wildlife Conservation Society USA | USA |  |  |
| 71 (1790) | Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques | FRA |  |  |
| 72 (1804) | Institut Zur Zukunft der Arbeit | DEU |  |  |
| 73 (1808) | James Hutton Institute | GBR |  |  |
| 74 (1821) | Cancer Council Victoria | AUS |  |  |
| 75 (1823) | CEINGE-Biotecnologie Avanzate | ITA |  |  |
| 75 (1823) | International Livestock Research Institute Ethiopia | ETH |  |  |
| 77 (1838) | International Rice Research Institute | MUL |  |  |
| 78 (1857) | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute | USA |  |  |
| 79 (1867) | Deltares | NLD |  |  |
| 80 (1880) | Gemini Observatory Northern Operations Center | USA |  |  |
| 81 (1901) | SETI Institute | USA |  |  |
| 82 (1902) | Regenstrief Institute | USA |  |  |
| 83 (1956) | Fundacio per al Foment de la Investigacio Sanitaria i Biomedica | ESP |  |  |
| 84 (1967) | IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute | SWE |  |  |
| 85 (1976) | Population Council, USA | USA |  |  |
| 86 (1985) | UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology | NLD |  |  |
| 87 (1996) | Outcomes Research Consortium | USA |  |  |
| 88 (2045) | CESifo Group | DEU |  |  |
| 89 (2060) | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | MUL |  |  |
| 90 (2069) | Parque Tecnologico de Euskadi * | ESP |  |  |
| 91 (2093) | United Nations University | MUL |  |  |
| 92 (2096) | Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences * | KWT |  |  |
| 93 (2125) | Rede de Quimica e Tecnologia | PRT |  |  |
| 94 (2157) | Haskins Laboratories | USA |  |  |
| 94 (2157) | Population Council * | MUL |  |  |
| 96 (2191) | Walter Reed Army Institute of Research * | USA |  |  |
| 97 (2194) | RAND Corp | USA |  |  |
| 98 (2215) | Parque Cientifico y Tecnologico de Vizcaya | ESP |  |  |
| 99 (2279) | Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Italy | ITA |  |  |
| 100 (2290) | Parque Tecnologico de Ciencias de la Salud | ESP |  |  |
| 101 (2303) | International Institute of Tropical Agriculture | MUL |  |  |
| 102 (2330) | Gemini Observatory | USA |  |  |
| 103 (2352) | Materials Physics Center | ESP |  |  |
| 104 (2357) | University Corporation for Atmospheric Research | USA |  |  |
| 105 (2378) | Fundacion Josep Carreras * | ESP |  |  |
| 106 (2382) | Fundacio de Recerca Sant Joan de Deu | ESP |  |  |
| 107 (2480) | Eurecat Centre Tecnologic de Catalunya * | ESP |  |  |
| 108 (2494) | Flanders Make | BEL |  |  |
| 108 (2494) | Planetary Science Institute | USA |  |  |
| 110 (2525) | World Bank, United States | USA |  |  |
| 111 (2531) | Wildlife Conservation Society * | MUL |  |  |
| 111 (2531) | Hudson Institute of Medical Research | AUS |  |  |
| 113 (2538) | World Bank Group * | MUL |  |  |
| 114 (2561) | National Institute for Basic Biology | JPN |  |  |
| 115 (2580) | Lowell Observatory | USA |  |  |
| 116 (2630) | International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Nigeria | NGA |  |  |
| 117 (2646) | Fundacion IVI | ESP |  |  |
| 118 (2675) | Clinton Health Access Initiative * | MUL |  |  |
| 118 (2675) | National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture | CHN |  |  |
| 120 (2706) | SRI International | USA |  |  |
| 121 (2850) | Dublin Institute For Advanced Studies | IRL |  |  |
| 122 (3065) | National Institute of Aerospace | USA |  |  |
| 123 (3110) | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization | MUL |  |  |
| 124 (3116) | Instituto de Telecomunicacoes | PRT |  |  |
| 125 (3139) | Desert Research Institute, Reno | USA |  |  |
| 126 (3152) | International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas | MUL |  |  |
| 127 (3169) | Museum fur Naturkunde Berlin | DEU |  |  |
| 128 (3203) | International Water Management Institute | MUL |  |  |
| 129 (3213) | Institute for Breathing and Sleep | AUS |  |  |
| 130 (3232) | Barwon Health | AUS |  |  |
| 131 (3250) | Fundacion Instituto de Investigacion Marques de Valdecilla | ESP |  |  |
| 132 (3278) | Uniao Brasileira de Educacao e Assistencia * | BRA |  |  |
| 132 (3278) | Sociedade Beneficente Israelita Brasileira Albert Einstein * | BRA |  |  |
| 134 (3368) | Center for Health Technology and Services Research | PRT |  |  |
| 135 (3431) | Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science | PRT |  |  |
| 136 (3490) | Southwest Research Institute | USA |  |  |
| 137 (3530) | Fundacion Vasca de Innovacion e Investigacion Sanitarias | ESP |  |  |
| 137 (3530) | Institut Catala de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont | ESP |  |  |
| 139 (3631) | AGROSAVIA - Corporacion Colombiana de Investigacion Agropecuaria | COL |  |  |
| 140 (3658) | Oak Ridge Associated Universities | USA |  |  |
| 141 (3718) | Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores de Coimbra | PRT |  |  |
| 142 (3877) | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development France | FRA |  |  |
| 143 (4001) | Battelle Memorial Institute * | USA |  |  |
| 144 (4047) | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development * | MUL |  |  |
| 145 (4077) | Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences * | CHN |  |  |
| 146 (4389) | Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Aridas | CHL |  |  |
| 147 (4437) | Academic Center for Education Culture and Research * | IRN |  |  |
| 148 (4451) | Minatec Campus d'Innovation en Micro et Nanotechnologies | FRA |  |  |
| 149 (4569) | Samsung Advanced Institute Technology | KOR |  |  |
| 150 (4671) | California Academy of Sciences | USA |  |  |
| 151 (4705) | International Monetary Fund | USA |  |  |
| 152 (4961) | Louisiana State University Agricultural Center | USA |  |  |
| 153 (5054) | Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores * | PRT |  |  |
| 154 (5167) | Robert Bosch Stiftung | DEU |  |  |
| 155 (5207) | Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais * | BRA |  |  |
| 156 (5247) | Ronin Institute | USA |  |  |
| 157 (5251) | Instituto Tecnologico Vale | BRA |  |  |
| 158 (5408) | Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences | CHN |  |  |
| 158 (5408) | Associate Laboratory of Robotics and Engineering Systems * | PRT |  |  |
| 160 (5499) | Fundacion para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurologicas de la Infancia | ARG |  |  |
| 161 (5760) | Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering | PRT |  |  |
| 162 (5769) | International Center for Bamboo and Rattan | CHN |  |  |
| 163 (5936) | Australian Museum | AUS |  |  |
| 163 (5936) | Canadian Blood Services | CAN |  |  |
| 165 (5967) | Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores - Investigacao e Desenvolvimento | PRT |  |  |
| 166 (5985) | Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology * | KOR |  |  |
| 167 (6099) | ITER Organization | FRA |  |  |
| 168 (6110) | Servico Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial * | BRA |  |  |
| 169 (6123) | Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde Stuttgart | DEU |  |  |
| 170 (6166) | Associacao Pelotense de Assistencia e Cultura * | BRA |  |  |
| 171 (6218) | Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning | CHN |  |  |
| 172 (6540) | Instituto de Tecnologia e Pesquisa | BRA |  |  |
| 173 (6708) | Energy and Resources Institute India | IND |  |  |
| 174 (6734) | Federal Budget Institute of Science Central Research Institute of Epidemiology | RUS |  |  |
| 175 (6753) | Higher Education Commission of Pakistan * | PAK |  |  |
| 176 (6769) | Moroccan Foundation for Advanced Science, Innovation and Research * | MAR |  |  |
| 177 (6901) | Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie * | BRA |  |  |
| 178 (6953) | Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron | BRA |  |  |
| 179 (6991) | Shanghai Institute of Technology | CHN |  |  |
| 180 (7141) | China Classification Society * | CHN |  |  |
| 181 (7174) | National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center | CHN |  |  |
| 182 (7645) | China Astronaut Research and Training Center | CHN |  |  |
| 183 (7702) | South Australian Museum | AUS |  |  |
| 184 (7767) | Centro de Pesquisas Leopoldo Americo Miguez de Mello | BRA |  |  |
| 185 (7776) | Shandong Computer Science Center | CHN |  |  |
| 186 (7781) | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers * | MUL |  |  |
| 187 (7871) | Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering | CHN |  |  |
| 188 (7876) | National Applied Research Laboratories * | TWN |  |  |
| 189 (7887) | Electric Power Research Institute | USA |  |  |
| 190 (7921) | State Grid Beijing Electric Power Economic and Technology Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 191 (7945) | National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team | CHN |  |  |
| 192 (8002) | Educational Testing Service | USA |  |  |
| 193 (8064) | State Grid Shandong Electric Power Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 194 (8240) | MITRE Corp * | MUL |  |  |
| 195 (8482) | Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry | JPN |  |  |
| 196 (8525) | State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 197 (8588) | State Grid Hunan Electric Power Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 198 (8598) | State Grid Henan Electric Power Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 199 (8678) | Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 200 (8684) | China Electronics Technology Group Corp No 54 Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 201 (8734) | State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 201 (8734) | National Institute of Advanced Studies | IND |  |  |
| 203 (8751) | State Grid Fujian Electric Power Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 204 (8787) | Wuhan Second Ship Design and Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 205 (8794) | State Grid Hubei Electric Power Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 206 (8825) | State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 207 (8866) | Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology | CHN |  |  |
| 208 (8874) | State Grid Anhui Electric Power Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 209 (8889) | State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 210 (8911) | Hubei Yangtze Memory Laboratories | CHN |  |  |
| 211 (8921) | State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 212 (8933) | Suzhou Nuclear Power Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 213 (8959) | TKM Educational Trust * | IND |  |  |
| 214 (9001) | State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 215 (9011) | China Electronics Technology Group Corp No 22 Research Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 216 (9038) | Nanjing Electronic Devices Institute | CHN |  |  |
| 217 (9047) | China Electronics Technology Group Corp No 38 Research Institute | CHN |  |  |