| 1 (15) | University of Melbourne * | AUS |  |  |
| 2 (23) | University of Sydney * | AUS |  |  |
| 3 (29) | The University of Queensland * | AUS |  |  |
| 4 (31) | Monash University, Melbourne * | AUS |  |  |
| 5 (35) | University of New South Wales * | AUS |  |  |
| 6 (120) | The University of Western Australia | AUS |  |  |
| 7 (191) | Australian National University | AUS |  |  |
| 8 (216) | University of Auckland | NZL |  |  |
| 9 (233) | Deakin University * | AUS |  |  |
| 10 (239) | The University of Adelaide | AUS |  |  |
| 11 (266) | Griffith University | AUS |  |  |
| 12 (286) | South Eastern Sydney Local Health District * | AUS |  |  |
| 13 (298) | Westmead Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 14 (307) | The Children's Hospital at Westmead | AUS |  |  |
| 15 (312) | Royal North Shore Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 16 (313) | University of Technology, Sydney | AUS |  |  |
| 17 (324) | Curtin University * | AUS |  |  |
| 18 (338) | Queensland University of Technology | AUS |  |  |
| 19 (343) | New South Wales Department of Primary Industries * | AUS |  |  |
| 20 (354) | La Trobe University * | AUS |  |  |
| 21 (373) | Liverpool Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 22 (380) | Macquarie University * | AUS |  |  |
| 23 (386) | Hunter New England Local Health District | AUS |  |  |
| 24 (409) | Bureau of Meteorology * | AUS |  |  |
| 25 (426) | The University of Newcastle | AUS |  |  |
| 25 (426) | University of Otago | NZL |  |  |
| 27 (433) | Nepean Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 28 (465) | University of Tasmania | AUS |  |  |
| 29 (497) | Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology * | AUS |  |  |
| 30 (547) | James Cook University * | AUS |  |  |
| 31 (551) | University of Western Sydney | AUS |  |  |
| 32 (562) | Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne | AUS |  |  |
| 33 (573) | University of Wollongong * | AUS |  |  |
| 34 (579) | Flinders University | AUS |  |  |
| 35 (708) | University of South Australia | AUS |  |  |
| 36 (862) | Townsville University Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 37 (877) | Fiona Stanley Fremantle Hospitals Group * | AUS |  |  |
| 38 (927) | Swinburne University of Technology * | AUS |  |  |
| 39 (977) | Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 40 (1057) | Gold Coast University Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 41 (1073) | Australian Museum | AUS |  |  |
| 42 (1099) | Massey University | NZL |  |  |
| 43 (1184) | Edith Cowan University | AUS |  |  |
| 44 (1207) | Victoria University of Wellington | NZL |  |  |
| 45 (1263) | Murdoch University | AUS |  |  |
| 46 (1283) | Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand * | NZL |  |  |
| 47 (1311) | Charles Sturt University * | AUS |  |  |
| 48 (1391) | Murdoch Children's Research Institute | AUS |  |  |
| 49 (1414) | Royal Perth Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 50 (1435) | University of Canterbury | NZL |  |  |
| 51 (1450) | University of Canberra | AUS |  |  |
| 52 (1460) | Victoria University | AUS |  |  |
| 53 (1468) | Australian Catholic University | AUS |  |  |
| 54 (1496) | University of Waikato | NZL |  |  |
| 55 (1515) | Royal Women's Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 56 (1521) | Alfred Health | AUS |  |  |
| 57 (1558) | Royal Melbourne Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 58 (1633) | Monash Health * | AUS |  |  |
| 59 (1663) | Central Queensland University | AUS |  |  |
| 60 (1700) | Royal Darwin Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 60 (1700) | Auckland University of Technology | NZL |  |  |
| 62 (1728) | University of the Sunshine Coast | AUS |  |  |
| 63 (1760) | Charles Darwin University * | AUS |  |  |
| 64 (1774) | National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research | NZL |  |  |
| 65 (1810) | University of New England, Australia | AUS |  |  |
| 66 (1919) | Austin Health * | AUS |  |  |
| 66 (1919) | Australian Research Council * | AUS |  |  |
| 68 (1959) | Peter Maccallum Cancer Centre | AUS |  |  |
| 69 (2028) | Agriculture Victoria * | AUS |  |  |
| 70 (2061) | Southern Cross University | AUS |  |  |
| 71 (2101) | Defence and Science Technology Organisation Australia | AUS |  |  |
| 72 (2148) | Australian Defence Force Academy | AUS |  |  |
| 73 (2246) | Black Dog Institute | AUS |  |  |
| 74 (2380) | Federation University | AUS |  |  |
| 75 (2476) | University of Notre Dame Australia | AUS |  |  |
| 76 (2536) | St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne | AUS |  |  |
| 77 (2595) | Cancer Council Victoria | AUS |  |  |
| 78 (3048) | George Institute for International Health * | AUS |  |  |
| 79 (3082) | Garvan Institute of Medical Research | AUS |  |  |
| 80 (3103) | Cancer Council New South Wales | AUS |  |  |
| 81 (3137) | Australian Antarctic Division | AUS |  |  |
| 82 (3146) | Bond University | AUS |  |  |
| 83 (3202) | Landcare Research | NZL |  |  |
| 84 (3255) | University of Southern Queensland | AUS |  |  |
| 85 (3366) | Telethon Kids Institute | AUS |  |  |
| 86 (3439) | Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute | AUS |  |  |
| 87 (3518) | GNS Science | NZL |  |  |
| 88 (3634) | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization * | AUS |  |  |
| 89 (3659) | Torrens University Australia | AUS |  |  |
| 90 (3891) | Eastern Health | AUS |  |  |
| 91 (3898) | Australian Institute of Marine Science | AUS |  |  |
| 92 (4087) | Western Health | AUS |  |  |
| 93 (4110) | Royal Adelaide Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 94 (4157) | Queensland Institute of Medical Research | AUS |  |  |
| 95 (4219) | Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation | AUS |  |  |
| 96 (4338) | Barwon Health | AUS |  |  |
| 97 (4356) | Te Whatu Ora Waitemata | NZL |  |  |
| 98 (4371) | St Vincent's Hospital Sydney | AUS |  |  |
| 99 (4422) | Lincoln University, Lincoln | NZL |  |  |
| 100 (4493) | Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research | AUS |  |  |
| 101 (4501) | Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 102 (4578) | Starship Children's Hospital | NZL |  |  |
| 103 (4608) | Hunter Medical Research Institute | AUS |  |  |
| 104 (4613) | Springer Nature, New Zealand | NZL |  |  |
| 105 (4638) | Te Whatu Ora Waikato | NZL |  |  |
| 106 (4670) | Fiona Stanley Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 107 (4930) | Princess Alexandra Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 108 (4945) | Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital * | AUS |  |  |
| 109 (4984) | Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute | AUS |  |  |
| 110 (5028) | Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau | NZL |  |  |
| 110 (5028) | Neuroscience Research Australia | AUS |  |  |
| 112 (5253) | Royal Prince Alfred Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 113 (5300) | South Australian Museum | AUS |  |  |
| 114 (5437) | Florey Neuroscience Institutes | AUS |  |  |
| 115 (5479) | South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute | AUS |  |  |
| 115 (5479) | Burnet Institute | AUS |  |  |
| 117 (5528) | Women's and Children's Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 118 (5579) | Melanoma Institute Australia | AUS |  |  |
| 119 (5626) | Menzies School of Health Research | AUS |  |  |
| 120 (5656) | University of the South Pacific, Fiji | FJI |  |  |
| 121 (5993) | Translational Research Institute | AUS |  |  |
| 122 (6137) | New Zealand Forest Research Institute | NZL |  |  |
| 123 (6256) | Prince of Wales Hospital, Australia | AUS |  |  |
| 124 (6298) | Hudson Institute of Medical Research | AUS |  |  |
| 125 (6302) | AgResearch Ltd | NZL |  |  |
| 126 (6329) | Orygen Youth Health | AUS |  |  |
| 127 (6444) | Fiji National University | FJI |  |  |
| 128 (6525) | Auckland City Hospital | NZL |  |  |
| 129 (6562) | Flinders Medical Centre | AUS |  |  |
| 130 (6606) | Concord Repatriation General Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 131 (6643) | The Prince Charles Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 132 (6686) | Cawthron Institute | NZL |  |  |
| 133 (6713) | John Hunter Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 134 (6728) | Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research | AUS |  |  |
| 135 (6732) | Sydney Children's Hospital, Randwick | AUS |  |  |
| 136 (6759) | Plant and Food Research | NZL |  |  |
| 137 (6795) | St George Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 138 (6839) | Monash Medical Centre | AUS |  |  |
| 139 (6861) | Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies | AUS |  |  |
| 140 (6921) | Australian Maritime College | AUS |  |  |
| 141 (6941) | Centre for Eye Research Australia | AUS |  |  |
| 141 (6941) | Queensland Government * | AUS |  |  |
| 143 (6998) | Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland | NZL |  |  |
| 144 (7112) | Christchurch Hospital | NZL |  |  |
| 145 (7190) | GenesisCare, Australia | AUS |  |  |
| 145 (7190) | AgriBio Centre for AgriBioscience | AUS |  |  |
| 147 (7245) | Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury | NZL |  |  |
| 148 (7344) | Waikato Hospital | NZL |  |  |
| 149 (7390) | Australian Synchrotron | AUS |  |  |
| 150 (7706) | Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research | AUS |  |  |
| 151 (7846) | The Queen Elizabeth Hospital | AUS |  |  |
| 152 (7927) | Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute * | AUS |  |  |
| 153 (8099) | Riddet Institute | NZL |  |  |
| 154 (8110) | Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics | AUS |  |  |
| 155 (8118) | MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology | NZL |  |  |
| 156 (8216) | The Daffodil Centre | AUS |  |  |
| 157 (8276) | Institute for Breathing and Sleep | AUS |  |  |
| 158 (8340) | Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery | AUS |  |  |
| 159 (8369) | Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Electromaterials Science | AUS |  |  |
| 160 (8389) | ARC Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions | AUS |  |  |
| 161 (8397) | Maurice Wilkins Centre | NZL |  |  |
| 162 (8704) | Illawarra Health and Medical Research Institute | AUS |  |  |
| 163 (8918) | Australian E-Health Research Center | AUS |  |  |